Current art history news, exhibitions, videos, reviews, & information posted on FACEBOOK by Dr. Christopher L.C.E. Witcombe
Links to art history resources
Christopher L.C.E. Witcombe
Renaissance Art in Italy Renaissance Art: General Art in Italy: 13th and 14th Centuries Early Renaissance: 15th Century High Renaissance & Mannerism: 16th Century
Duecento Trecento Quattrocento Cinquecento Maniera
Art History
Books by Christopher L.C.E. Witcombe
Eye and Art in Ancient Greece: A Study in Archaeoaesthetics
Harvey Miller, 2018
Print Publishing in Sixteenth-Century Rome: Growth and Expansion, Rivalry and Murder
Harvey Miller, 2008
Copyright in the Renaissance: Prints and the Privilegio in Sixteenth-Century Venice and Rome
Brill, 2004
Novels by Christopher L.C.E. Witcombe
Contents Page
Prehistoric Art
Art in Ancient Egypt
Art in the Ancient Near East
Art in Ancient Greece
Art in Ancient Rome
Early Christian & Byzantine Art
Art in Early Europe
Islamic Art
Early Medieval Art
Gothic Art
Renaissance Art outside Italy
Baroque Art
18th-Century Art
19th-Century Art
20th-Century Art
Contemporary Art
Art in East Asia
Art in India & Southeast Asia
Art in Africa
Art in the Americas
Art in Oceania
Prints & Photography
Art History Research Resources
Art History News & Blogs
Art History
eBooks by Christopher L.C.E. Witcombe
An Introduction to Art and Culture in Ancient Egypt.
Art in Ancient Egypt Volume 1
Apple Books, 2019
A Survey Art in Ancient Egypt from Predynastic Times to the Graeco-Roman Period.
Art in Ancient Egypt Volume 2
Apple Books, 2019
Art’s History in Europe Part 1: Prehistoric Europe, Egypt, Near East, Aegean, Greece
Apple Books, 2014
The Visual Experience of ART
Apple Books, 2012
Venus of Willendorf
Apple Books, 2013
853 Beautiful Victorian Paintings
Apple Books, 2014
Top of page
- European Art in the Renaissance (through the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History)
- Albrecht Dürer (1471–1528)
- Anatomy in the Renaissance
- Annibale Carracci (1560–1609)
- Antonello da Messina (ca. 1430–1479)
- Architecture in Renaissance Italy
- Arms and Armor in Renaissance Europe
- Arms and Armor—Common Misconceptions and Frequently Asked Questions
- Art and Love in the Italian Renaissance
- Birth and Family in the Italian Renaissance
- The Birth and Infancy of Christ in Italian Painting
- Botanical Imagery in European Painting
- Bronze Sculpture in the Renaissance
- Burgundian Netherlands: Court Life and Patronage
- Burgundian Netherlands: Private Life
- Cameo Appearances
- Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi) (1571–1610) and his Followers
- Ceramics in the French Renaissance
- The Chopine
- Collecting for the Kunstkammer
- Commedia dell'arte
- Commercial Exchange, Diplomacy, and Religious Difference between Venice and the Islamic world
- Couples in Art
- Courtship and Betrothal in the Italian Renaissance
- The Crucifixion and Passion of Christ in Italian Painting
- The Decoration of Arms and Armor
- The Decoration of European Armor
- The Development of the Recorder
- Direct versus Indirect Casting of Small Bronzes in the Italian Renaissance
- Domenichino (Domenico Zampieri) (1581–1641)
- Domestic Art in Renaissance Italy
- Donatello (ca. 1386–1466)
- Dutch and Flemish Artists in Rome, 1500–1600
- Early Netherlandish Painting
- East and West: Chinese Export Porcelain
- El Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos) (1541–1614)
- Elizabethan England
- English Embroidery of the Late Tudor and Stuart Eras
- Europe and the Age of Exploration
- Europe and the Islamic World, 1600–1800
- European Tapestry Production and Patronage, 1400–1600
- Famous Makers and European Centers of Arms and Armor Production
- Fashion in European Armor
- Fashion in European Armor, 1400–1500
- Fashion in European Armor, 1500–1600
- Fashion in European Armor, 1600–1700
- Filippino Lippi (1456/47–1504)
- Fire Gilding of Arms and Armor
- Fontainebleau
- Food and Drink in European Painting, 1400–1800
- Fra Angelico (1395/1400–1455)
- The Function of Armor in Medieval and Renaissance Europe
- Gardens in the French Renaissance
- Gerard David (born about 1455, died 1523)
- The Ghent Altarpiece
- The Guitar
- Hendrick Goltzius (1558–1617)
- The Holy Roman Empire and the Habsburgs, 1400–1600
- Horse Armor in Europe
- How Medieval and Renaissance Tapestries Were Made
- Images of Antiquity in Limoges Enamels in the French Renaissance
- Intentional Alterations of Early Netherlandish Painting
- Islamic Art and Culture: the Venetian Perspective
- Italian Renaissance Frames
- Jacopo dal Ponte, called Bassano (ca. 1510–1592)
- Jan Gossart (ca. 1478–1532) and His Circle
- Jan van Eyck (ca. 1380/90–1441)
- Juan de Flandes (active by 1496, died 1519)
- Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519)
- List of Rulers of Europe
- The Lute
- Maiolica in the Renaissance
- Mannerism: Bronzino (1503–1572) and his Contemporaries
- Manuscript Illumination in Italy, 1400–1600
- Manuscript Illumination in Northern Europe
- The Master of Monte Oliveto (active about 1305–35)
- The Materials and Techniques of English Embroidery of the Late Tudor and Stuart Eras
- Military Music in American and European Traditions
- Music in the Renaissance
- Northern Italian Renaissance Painting
- Northern Mannerism in the Early Sixteenth Century
- The Nude in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
- Nuptial Furnishings in the Italian Renaissance
- Painting in Italian Choir Books, 1300–1500
- Painting in Oil in the Low Countries and Its Spread to Southern Europe
- Painting the Life of Christ in Medieval and Renaissance Italy
- Paintings of Love and Marriage in the Italian Renaissance
- The Papacy and the Vatican Palace
- The Papacy during the Renaissance
- Pastoral Charms in the French Renaissance
- Patronage at the Later Valois Courts (1461–1589)
- Patronage of Jean de Berry (1340–1416)
- Petrus Christus (active by 1444, died 1475/76)
- Pieter Bruegel the Elder (ca. 1525/30–1569)
- Pilgrimage in Medieval Europe
- Portraiture in Renaissance and Baroque Europe
- Prague during the Rule of Rudolph II (1583–1612)
- The Printed Image in the West: Aquatint
- The Printed Image in the West: Drypoint
- The Printed Image in the West: Engraving
- The Printed Image in the West: Etching
- The Printed Image in the West: History and Techniques
- The Printed Image in the West: Mezzotint
- The Printed Image in the West: Woodcut
- Profane Love and Erotic Art in the Italian Renaissance
- The Rediscovery of Classical Antiquity
- The Reformation
- Renaissance Drawings: Material and Function
- Renaissance Keyboards
- Renaissance Organs
- Renaissance Velvet Textiles
- Renaissance Violins
- Shoes in The Costume Institute
- Sienese Painting
- Sixteenth-Century Painting in Emilia-Romagna
- Sixteenth-Century Painting in Lombardy
- Sixteenth-Century Painting in Venice and the Veneto
- Techniques of Decoration on Arms and Armor
- Titian (ca. 1488–1576)
- Trade Relations among European and African Nations
- Venetian Color and Florentine Design
- Venice and the Islamic World, 828–1797
- Venice's Principal Muslim Trading Partners: the Mamluks, the Ottomans, and the Safavids
- Violin Makers: Nicolò Amati (1596–1684) and Antonio Stradivari (ca. 1644–1737)
- Weddings in the Italian Renaissance
- Woodcut Book Illustration in Renaissance Italy: Florence in the 1490s
- Woodcut Book Illustration in Renaissance Italy: The First Illustrated Books
- Woodcut Book Illustration in Renaissance Italy: Venice in the 1490s
- Woodcut Book Illustration in Renaissance Italy: Venice in the Sixteenth Century
ART IN ITALY: 13th and 14th Centuries
(including Italo-Byzantine, Dugento and Trecento)
Top of page
EARLY RENAISSANCE: 15th Century Top of page
- Early Renaissance Artists (list and links provided through the Artcyclopedia)
- Early Renaissance (through WikiPaintings)
- Artists in 15th-Century Italy (through the Web Gallery of Art, created by Emil Kren and Daniel Marx)
- Filippo Brunelleschi
- Michelozzo di Bartolomeo
- Lorenzo Ghiberti
- Donatello
- Nanni di Banco
- Piero di Niccolò Lamberti
- Niccolò di Piero Lamberti
- Nanni di Bartolo
- Jacopo della Quercia
- Master of the Mascoli Altar
- Jacobello Del Fiore
- Niccolò di Pietro
- Gentile da Fabriano
- Masaccio
- Masolino
- Fra Angelico
- Fra Filippo Lippi
- Filippino Lippi
- Luca della Robbia
- Andrea della Robbia
- Giovanni della Robbia
- Bernardo Rossellino
- Antonio Rossellino
- Paolo Uccello
- Domenico Veneziano
- Andrea del Castagno
- Piero della Francesca
- Leon Battista Alberti
- Desiderio da Settignano
- Benedetto da Maiano
- Mino da Fiesole
- Paolo Romano
- Agostino di Giovanni
- Andrea Bregno
- Antonio Bregno
- Bertoldo di Giovanni
- Bartolomeo Bon
- Matteo Civitale
- Giuliano da Sangallo
- Francesco di Giorgio Martini
- Bartolomeo Bellano
- Giovanni Dalmata
- Cristoforo Mantegazza
- Antonio Rizzo
- Silvestro Dell'Acquila
- Guido Mazzoni
- Benozzo Gozzoli
- Early paintings (up to 1450)
- Fresco cycle in Montefalco (1450-52)
- Scene 1, Scene 2, Scene 3, Scene 4, Scene 5, Scene 6, Scene 7, Scene 8, Scene 9, Scene 10, Scene 11, Scene 12
- Procession of the Magi in the Palazzo Medici-Riccardi in Florence (1459-60)
- Fresco cycle of St Augustine in the church of Sant'Agostino, San Gimignano (1464-65)
- Various paintings (between 1460 and 1471)
- Late paintings (after 1471)
- Niccolò da Foligno
- Alesso Baldovinetti
- Francesco Pesellino
- Niccolò dell' Arca
- Antonio del Pollaiuolo
- Piero Pollaiuolo
- Andrea del Verrocchio
- Sandro Botticelli
- Domenico Ghirlandaio
- Sassetta
- Giovanni di Paolo
- Domenico di Bartolo
- Matteo di Giovanni
- Vecchietta
- Pietro Perugino
- Pinturicchio
- Melozzo da Forlì
- Francesco Laurana
- Pisanello
- Jacopo Bellini
- Gentile Bellini
- Giovanni Bellini
- Andrea Mantegna
- Antonello da Messina
- Vittore Carpaccio
- Carlo Crivelli
- Vittorio Crivelli
- Vincenzo Foppa
- Filarete
- Cristoforo Mantegazza
- Cosmè Tura
- Francesco del Cossa
- Ercole de' Roberti
- 15th-Century Artists in Italy (through Olga's Gallery)
- Pazzi Chapel, S. Croce, Florence (through DIAP Columbia University)
- Alberti On Painting (English translation of the text of the treatise, through Notebook)
- Leon Battista Alberti (1404-1472), Bibliografia 1995-2014
- Harmony and Proportion, by John Boyd-Brent, M.A.(Royal College of Art), with sections devoted to:
- Leonardo and the Engineers of the Renaissance (exhibition at the Institute and Museum of the History of Science, Florence)
- The Church San Francesco in Arezzo: Piero della Francesca's fresco cycle (through the Web Gallery of Art)
- 12th-15th century paintings in the Pinacoteca Vaticana (through The Holy See, The Vatican)
- High Renaissance Artists (list and links provided through the Artcyclopedia)
- High Renaissance and Mannerism (through WikiPaintings)
- Artists in 16th-Century Italy (through the Web Gallery of Art, created by Emil Kren and Daniel Marx)
- Artists in 16th-Century Italy (through Olga's Gallery)
- Cesariano's Vitruvius (1521) (through Michael Greenhalgh's ArtServe at The Australian National University)
- 671 Images from Serlio's Architettura (1537-51) (through Michael Greenhalgh's ArtServe at The Australian National University)
- The Sistine Chapel in Vatican (through the Web Gallery of Art)
- Sistine Chapel (through The Holy See, The Vatican)
- Raphael's Rooms (through The Holy See, The Vatican)
- Leonardo da Vinci: Scientist, Inventor, Artist (exhibition at the Museum of Science, Boston)
- Leonardo's Horse, completed in 1999 by the sculptor Nina Akamu
- Giorgio Vasari: Life of Leonardo da Vinci 1550 (through the Medieval Sourcebook)
- The Digital Michelangelo Project (Marc Levoy, Stanford University)
- 16th century paintings in the Pinacoteca Vaticana (through The Holy See, The Vatican)
- Palladio's Italian Villas, with links to:
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