The Fourth Century
c. 400-300 BCE
Perseus Freeing Andromeda
wall painting from the House of the Dioscourides at Pompeii
after a Greek original of the 4th century BCE
perhaps by Nikias, 1st century CE
(National Museum, Naples)
The Alexander Mosaic
Floor mosaic from Pompeii
an adaption of a Greek wall painting of c. 310 BCE by Philoxenos of Eretria
8' 10" x 17'
(National Museum, Naples)
Stag Hunt
signed by Gnosis
from Pella (Macedonia)
pebble mosaic
c. 300 BCE
Hades Abducting Persephone
from the royal tomb at Vergina
wall painting
Height (of frieze) about 3' 4"
c. 340 BCE