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Investigating Mary Magdalen


Christopher L.C.E. Witcombe

Mary Magdalen in the Apocrypha


    A vast amount of Jewish and Christian literature written in the 2nd and 1st centuries BCE and the 1st and 2nd centuries CE has survived. Except for the canonical texts in the Bible, most of this literature today is called the Apocrypha (singular "apocryphon," from the Greek term apokryptein, meaning "to hide away" or 'hidden'). Apocrypha are not considered divinely inspired but are regarded as worthy of study by the Christian faithful. Pseudepigrapha, of the other hand, are works ostensibly written by a biblical figure but are regarded as spurious. All the New Testament apocrypha are considered pseudepigraphal.

    The Gospel of Peter
    The parchment fragment of the Gospel of Peter was discovered in 1886 by the French Archaeological Mission, Cairo, in a grave in an ancient cemetery at Akhmím (Panopolis), in Upper Egypt. It was first published in 1892. The parchment codex is dated to between the 8th and the 12th century.